Dieter Rams: Ten principles for good design Sketch Resource

Ten principles for good design by Dieter Rams, Dieter Rams has been involved in design for seven decades. And has inspired a lot of excellent designers like the Vice President of Design of Apple, Jonathan Ive. These principles are well known in the industrial design world, but less known in the UI/UX, Graphic Design world. Rams introduced the idea of sustainable development and of obsolescence being a crime in design in the 1970s. Accordingly he asked himself the question: is my design good design? The answer formed is now the celebrated ten principles. A lot of great designers live by these principles and I think you should to.
The poster is available in different sizes so you can print them or make a wallpaper/background out of them. Like my work to the community? Say Hi on twitter @DannyvanBasten
This Dieter Rams: Ten principles for good design was designed by Danny van Basten -
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