Nintendo Gameboy Color made with Figma

The world has entered a digital age, and the internet has become a powerful tool for people to express their creativity. As a result, I have become increasingly inspired to create digital objects that have a more realistic feel – skeuomorphic designs.
My most recent project has been a recreation of the classic Nintendo Gameboy Color. I was motivated to create this project due to my recent fascination with Nintendo nostalgia and the sheer awesomeness of the gaming system.
Using Figma, I was able to design a realistic replica of the Gameboy Color with its classic buttons, joystick and screen. I used a combination of vibrant colors, gradients and shadows to create a realistic 3D effect. Additionally, I paid close attention to the details by adding a logo, a battery indicator and a volume icon.
The end result has been an incredibly realistic and detailed recreation of a classic gaming console. I have thoroughly enjoyed making this project as it has allowed me to hone my skills in skeuomorphic design, as well as pay homage to the classic Nintendo Gameboy. I hope it will be enjoyed by all of my fellow gamers and Nintendo fans out there.