Marilyn Monroe SVG Illustration

The world of digital illustration has undergone a revolution in recent years, with the advent of open source platforms. Open source platforms like MIT's unDraw have enabled the easy availability of digital illustrations for the public to use. Katerina Limpitsouni, a digital artist, has tapped into this potential, and has made her lovely Marilyn Monroe illustration available for download.
This illustration is a great example of how open source platforms can be used to increase the availability of digital art. This illustration is a testament to Katerina's skill and artistry, as well as her willingness to share her work with the public. With this illustration, anyone can gain access to a beautiful piece of art that they can use in their own projects.
The ability to access digital art is an important part of our expanding digital world, and open source platforms like unDraw have made this easier than ever. Katerina Limpitsouni's Marilyn Monroe illustration is a great example of how digital art can be shared and used by the public. We can only hope that more digital artists embrace the open source platform and make their work available for others to use.