Paul Slab Font

The Paul Slab font is a refreshingly modern, clean and minimalist slab typeface with a unique attention to detail. Developed in collaboration between Fargus Meiser and Lukas Bischoff, the font has been expertly crafted to create an aesthetically pleasing and highly legible typeface.
The font is available in 8 stylish weights, with 3 of them available for free trial. It was designed with precision and care to make sure the typeface is perfect for both print and digital design. The font's soft corners make it particularly suitable for larger headlines and titles, while its smaller details make it suitable for a variety of other uses such as website design, logos, and more.
The Paul Slab font is a great addition to any designer's toolkit. Its perfect balance between modernity and classic details is sure to please any designer looking for a modern and minimalist slab typeface. Thanks to Lukas Bischoff for making this amazing font available to us.