Freelance Platform App Kit

Figma is an incredibly powerful tool for creating designs and building user interfaces, and this free UI kit for a freelance platform app is a great example of its potential. Created by Anthony Choren, the kit comes with 20 screens and 5 illustrations, and is perfect for anyone looking to create an interface for a freelance platform app.
The kit's design is clean and straightforward, and each screen is thoughtfully organized and labeled for ease of use. It also contains components for creating a custom look and feel, such as buttons, inputs, and navigation elements. This UI kit provides an excellent starting point for those looking to create a freelance platform app.
The kit is totally free to use for personal projects, and its well-structured design makes it easy to add to existing designs or create something entirely new. Whether you're a designer, developer, or anything in between, this is a great resource to have in your arsenal. Thanks Anthony Choren for creating and sharing this great resource!