Free Tourists Doodles (AI, SVG, PNG)
In the past, we used to see travelers in other countries with notebooks and maps to have a chat with the local people or look for directions. But it has changed much since then as we can do most of the tasks from our smartphones. You can open a translator or search for a location on Google Maps to find the place you are looking for. A tourist does not have to talk with the local people to ask for any help.
This People Doodle depicts the changing actions of tourists who visit other countries. They do not need a handheld dictionary to talk with native people or paper maps to find a location. Tourists can just turn on Google Maps to find an address they need to visit. Similarly, they can download a dictionary or translator app on their smartphones to understand the basic phrases of a foreign language.
You can customize and download the People Doodle (AI) for free. Any tour services website, travel blogs, or designers creating graphics on tourism can use these designs. Marketers and content creators can also use them to promote their offerings or content.