16 Colored Award Icons

Winning an award for anything can be the best feeling in the world. Whether you are a business that receives a services award or an individual expert who wins an award for their efforts, it helps you stand out from the others. People look for accreditations or reviews when purchasing an offering from a business. And they will look for certificates and medals when hiring an expert to do a specific job.
Many businesses and individuals apply for such awards and accreditations to build authority in their industry. Furthermore, this Award Icon Set includes 25 icons depicting various types of awards and trophies. People need something that verifies their authenticity. It is very similar to having a degree to apply for more paying jobs. The better you seem qualified, the more the chances that you will get hired.
You can download the colored pack (AI, EPS, PNG, SVG & PDF) and customize it to fit your design needs. It is ideal for any website selling any offerings to its customers. They can use this icon set to emphasize their reputation.